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Philosophy on the Classes Offered

Here at we offer the following types of Yoga classes for your benefit:






Hatha Yoga classes will be a much slower paced style of Yoga. We will work through physical poses that are carefully broken down. These classes are designed to build physical strength and endurance in the body, leading us into a deep meditation. We work through a Flow and then sit still in meditation.






Slow Flow Yoga is about adding the element of time into the poses. We will work on learning more about the poses, alignment in our body, while holding poses for many breaths. As we refine poses for our body we become familiar with our body and its ability level. We can take more time to pause and mindfully move, as we build a solid foundation from the feet up. 





Vinyasa Yoga classes are faster paced. We will work on stringing postures together, linking breath with movement. No two classes are the same. These classes are designed to really heat things up, get you moving, sweating, building strength and stability, and recruiting muscles. We will build towards more balance in the body, as well as prevent repetitive motion injuries that come in our day to day life. 






Yin Yoga classes are very slow paced.

I recommend many props for this practice so you can set your body up for support. You will hold poses for a longer period of time. The target area in Yin is generally from navel to knee, though in many classes we will also work the neck, shoulders and feet. This is a deep practice for cultivating more awareness and sensation. Much of the time the focus is on the unseen parts of your body. Its a slow moving meditation. We target the meridian lines in the body, organs, facia, tendons, ligaments and bones. 

Hatha Yoga

Slow Flow Yoga

Vinyasa Yoga 

Yin Yoga 

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