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About The Studio

My Functional Yoga is a new exclusive private yoga studio in Waco. Shar'ron offers a deeply personal practice that encourages us to be curious, discover and cultivate a relationship with our bodies. Each session offers a devoted time to practice poses, awareness, breath and shift our attention inward to the unseen layers in the body. As a teacher of many styles of Asana, she believes in honoring that each body is unique and has different needs which vary day to day. Functional Yoga puts “People Before Postures” and honors the differences in our bodies; from ability level, to complexity in practice, to the amount of tension in our body, to the shape or our body. Her teaching is influenced by Traditional Chinese Medicine and herbal care. Shar’ron offers handmade organic skincare, yoga, herbal medicines, Gua Sha and cupping services for the skin and underlying fascia. She also offers oils treatments along the spine.


Service Descriptions:

One Hour Yoga Session:

This is a devoted time for you. We will focus on target areas you are hoping to find relief in. I will guide you through poses, fascial stretching and will use herbal medicines during this hour. This time is also about noticing patterns in your body that have lead to how it is currently feeling.


Group Classes:

Group classes provide an hour to practice with your local community. This is a focused style of Asana that includes an essential oil blend and hydrosols. These classes are influenced by the current season at hand.


Table Treatment:

This is a devoted 45 minutes of cupping and 15 minutes of poses on the mat. Cupping involves creating suction on the skin using silicone cups. Cupping Therapy is a form of alternative medicine and is used for many reasons including: chronic pain, poor appetite, infertility, congestion in the lungs, boosting the immune system and helping increase mobility in the body. Prior to cupping, many herbal medicines will be applied on your skin. Some sessions will include Gua Sha scraping and a massage gun.




Personal Oil Roller Blend

CBD Salve

Plant Based Herbal Salve

Gua Sha Stone 

Monthly Supplement Pack 

Fascial Ball Set



One Hour Session 

Cupping/Gua Sha


Drop - In Class

Group Classes 4-8 People

Wellness Coaching

Pack of 4 Sessions - 1 Hr each 

Pack of 9 Sessions ~ 1 Hr Each
















$80 Hr








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